Monday, March 26, 2012

Canadian Version: Money IS Coming To Me!

Canadian Version: Money IS Coming To Me!

Money is Coming to me! Get updates on and
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

My goals for Racquetball

This is my list of goals for Racquetball: #1 to get my backhand to do good ceiling ball shots, kill shots and passing shots, all going down-the-line. #2 to get faster at moving my feet to both forehand and backhand sides. #3 Join and be a pro level player at la fitness. #4 have a good Drive Z to the backhand and forehand side.

Keep Calm & Play Racquetball
Update to my list of goals. (6. 25. 2012)
#1 backhand good ceiling shots, kill shots, passing shots. This is something I still am working on.
#2 ✔ but now working on backing up to get backhand ceiling ball.
#3 ✔ I joined the pro's level players at la fitness 6. 6. 2012.
#4 this is half done I have a good Z-drive to backhand side, but still working on forehand Z-drives.

New goals.
#1. Do passing shots off of the back wall from ball being knee high level.
#2. Get balls right up against the side wall and hitting the front wall with them.
#3. Do pinch shots off of the back wall from ball being knee high level.

My blog

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Workout #1

If You're Tired Of Starting Over, Stop Giving Up.
My Workout for 3-18-12 I just did a lot of cardio by riding my bike outside for 2 and a half hours! today was a great day to do something outside.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012